8-OKAY-RELAX | (865) 297-3529 readytoexhale@exhalespaescapes.com

As the leaves start to change and the air cools, fall is as perfect a time as any to turn inward, refocus, and nourish your mind, body, and spirit. The Keep On Keeping On Virtual Fall Retreat for Sustainable Self-Care and Wholistic Wellness is designed to help you do just that—from the comfort of your home. This retreat is your chance to embrace sustainable self-care, recharge your energy, and reconnect with yourself.


Whether you’re new to the world of wellness or a seasoned self-care enthusiast, this retreat offers something for everyone.


What to Expect

This weekend retreat is all about YOU. Expect guided workshops, mindfulness practices, yoga, meditation, and opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals. Here’s how you can prepare and get the most out of your retreat experience:


  1. Create Your Sacred Space

Even though this retreat is virtual, that doesn’t mean it has to be any less immersive. Take time to set up a space where you can fully relax and be present. Whether it’s a cozy corner, a spot by the window, or even your backyard, create an environment that feels peaceful and calm. Light some candles, play soothing music, and have your yoga mat ready for our movement sessions.


  1. Bring an Open Mind & Heart

This retreat is designed to nourish all aspects of your well-being—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Come with an open mind and heart, ready to explore new practices, reflect on your current self-care routines, and set new goals for the future. No matter where you are on your self-care journey, this weekend will offer insight, inspiration, and connection.


  1. Go Easy on Yourself

It’s important to remember that self-care isn’t a race or something you need to “get right”—it’s a personal journey. If you feel like you need more time to process or move slower during certain sessions, that’s perfectly okay. This retreat is about embracing where you are right now and honoring your needs. Go at your own pace, and know that it’s okay to step back, rest, or take breaks as needed. Progress is progress, no matter how small.


  1. Prepare for a Digital Detox

Consider stepping back from your usual digital habits. While we’ll be connecting online for our workshops and sessions, this weekend is about reducing distractions and being present. Set your phone to “Do Not Disturb” and limit screen time outside of the retreat activities. This will help you fully immerse yourself in the experience.


  1. Stay Hydrated & Nourished

Remember, wellness is about balance. Stay hydrated throughout the weekend and keep some light, healthy snacks nearby. We’ll also be discussing nutrition during the retreat, so consider preparing some fruits and veggies ahead of time. Staying nourished will keep your energy levels up and help you stay focused.


  1. Reflect on Your Intentions

Take some time to think about why you signed up for this retreat and what you hope to gain. Are you looking to establish better self-care routines? Seeking ways to manage stress or recharge your energy? Whatever your goals are, keep them in mind throughout the weekend as a source of motivation and reflection.


  1. Join the Community

Our retreat isn’t just about personal reflection—it’s also about connection. You’ll have opportunities to join interactive sessions and discussions with others on a similar journey. This is a great time to build relationships, share your experiences, and find support in a like-minded community. We are all here to lift each other up!


Ready to Keep On Keeping On?

Now is the time to invest in yourself, practice mindfulness, and make self-care a sustainable part of your life. Join us for the Keep On Keeping On Virtual Fall Retreat from September 27th to September 29th and beyond. Take this opportunity to unwind from the busyness of daily life, establish habits that will carry you through the rest of the year, and connect with others on the same path.


Don’t wait! Click here to register now and declare your participation. We can’t wait to see you there and support you on this journey to sustainable self-care and well-being.